Nov 29, 2021
*This show originally aired on February, 14 2021 Joel Carlson grew up in a loving, Christian home. However, as an adult, his greed and narcissism led him down a path of not wanting to keep up with the Jones’ but be the Jones’ with whom people tried to keep up. This led to alcoholism, a felony conviction and time in...
Nov 22, 2021
Choosing cheap substitutes in exchange for God's promises can seem very short-sided and easy to avoid but many pick the former. Adam Comer was in the darkest season of his life when he heard a hope filled Easter message just when he needed it most. It changed his whole life mindset- shifting to serving Him at whatever...
Nov 15, 2021
It often times can take hitting rock bottom for someone to finally hear God, even if He's been calling out for a long time. When Ron finally heard and responded to His voice, he went from hopeless to heaven. Even through multiple attempts to end it all, the Lord had a greater plan to use it all for His glory and gift...
Nov 8, 2021
We often hear about religion, denominations, and doctrines and while all of these things have meaning, their significance fades heavily without the presence of a relationship. Jesus invites each of us to have a personal relationship with Him and it wasn't until John Bartholomew fully grasped this idea, that things began...