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Real Recovery

Sep 27, 2020

Recovery needs to be more fun than using. Don't tell yourself you're going to stop this time. Jesus says apart from him you can do nothing. With help and God's grace, Martin's life is richer and more beautiful than in addiction.  

Sep 21, 2020

After a series of concussions, pain, and losing his athletic identity, Kevin looked towards a chemical escape. It took a supernatural change to take him from the artificial joy to real happiness. Total surrender to the God that was knocking at his door to find his new identity and redemption.

Sep 13, 2020

From 16 shots in 9th grade and asking for forgiveness every week at church, to proving that he wanted to be sober and have a relationship with Christ, Jake's story is an honest story. Highlighting Christ's redemption, grace, and mercy even when things get out of hand.

Sep 6, 2020

Lee Bloom author of "Table in the Darkness," brings us along on her intimate journey thought an eating disorder. She says, I know now what I missed, there was no place in my life for emotions during transitions. That's when you start coping, but there is hope. Encore Presentation - September 9th, 2018...