Dec 29, 2024
No one can get sober without God stepping in. Co-host George shares his life story, including how he eventually saw God connecting all the pieces, His ability to give us peace of mind in the midst of brokenness, and much more.
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Dec 22, 2024
Tim Walsh, Chief Executive Officer at NorthStar Regional, joins Bill and George to talk about walking into the light, after hearing God’s call. They discuss the need to accept Him as the answer, since He is the only answer and what it means to be in Christ during our recovery.
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Dec 15, 2024
He was down, lost, and tired- sitting in the crack house. Then, he reached out to Jesus and from there everything changed. His life has proven to be Jesus time and time again putting people in his life to help.
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Dec 8, 2024
Many know of God growing up, yet deny Him multiple times. With the encouragement of some of those closest to him, Davon was convinced to give his life to Christ. Now looking back, he sees that God has had a plan- all the way around. Today his agenda, is always God's agenda.
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Dec 1, 2024
At some point in life your faith has to become your own, where you decide to follow Jesus and submit to Him. Even as the son of a pastor and missionary, it wasn't until college that Ben knew God was knocking on the door of his heart. He and his wife Sarah now live by Romans 6:14.
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