Dec 31, 2021
*Originally aired December 14, 2021* Jimmy Page author of One Word That Will Change Your Life shares the benefit and process of choosing a word for the coming year. Hear from listeners who need help choosing their word and from those who have already chosen words like still, freedom, authority, deliver,...
Dec 30, 2021
*Originally aired September 9, 2021* Dr. Troy Spurrill of the Synapse Center for Health and Healing talks about how the lies we’re believing and how that effects our health. He also answers some listener questions related to these topics...
Dec 29, 2021
*Originally aired January 25, 2021* So much in life is less than what you had hoped for. But God promises that one day everything will be made right. Author and speaker John Eldredge shares about this from his book, “All Things New: Heaven, Earth, and the Restoration of Everything...
Dec 28, 2021
*Originally aired June 30, 2021* We all experience hard emotions and difficult life circumstances sometimes. But it can be hard to move through those situations with grace. Dr. Peace Amadi shares insights from her book, “Why Do I Feel Like This?: Understand Your Difficult Emotions and Find Grace to Move...
Dec 27, 2021
*Originally aired November 8, 2021* You can experience the forgiveness, friendship, and affection of God. Dr. Dane Ortlund helps you reflect on the very real, very caring person of Jesus, from his book, “Deeper: Real Change for Real...