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Susie Larson Live

Feb 26, 2021

*Originally aired January 18, 2021* You may think your life can’t have a world-changing impact, but author/speaker Pam Tebow wants you to know just how influential you can be. Pam shares stories from her own life and encourages you to see how God is using you, from her book, Ripple...

Feb 25, 2021

The events of 2020 and beyond have been traumatic. You might not realize the effects yet, but our communities need healing. Dr. Curt Thompson shares how to identify trauma, and steps you can take to start healing today.

Feb 24, 2021

Most of us are tired. But how do we find rest that fills us back up? Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith shares practical and spiritual practices to restore your weary body, mind, and soul, from her book "Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your...

Feb 23, 2021

Beginning with a prayer to experience more of God's presence, Addison Bevere, leader and author of “Saints: Becoming More than ‘Christians.'”, talks about how a journey with doubt led to practicing the presence of...

Feb 22, 2021

Jesus' disciples became world-changers, and we're called to do the same. Author Charles Martin brings to life the days after Christ's resurrection and urges us to live bold lives for Christ, from his book, "They Turned the World Upside Down: A Storyteller's Journey with Those Who Dared to Follow...