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Sep 17, 2023

In this episode of the Who's He? Podcast....

Review - The Mind Robber

In "The Mind Robber," the TARDIS is forced off course into a dimension of fiction. The Doctor (played by Patrick Troughton) and his companions, Jamie and Zoe, find themselves in a mysterious white void. They encounter various fictional characters and creatures from different literary works, including Medusa, Rapunzel and Gulliver and discover they all being manipulated by The Master (not that one).

Yes, come and join Phil and Paul in the Land of Fancy, er... I mean Fiction where all things are possible if the budget allows it. Our intrepid reviewing duo tackle the televised and written formats of this story and while they find a few minor differences, what did this story really add up to? But most of all, please believe in us otherwise we will cease to exi............

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