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The Yarniacs: A Knitting Podcast

Oct 31, 2014

I mention Halloween because I happen to own the quintessential Halloween advertising animal, a black cat. When we adopted Boo, we were told by the shelter staff that black cats and dogs are the least adopted color at most animal shelters. Boo was the last adopted kitten from his litter, also the only all-black kitten...

Oct 17, 2014


Gayle and I were guest speakers this week at two meetings of the Santa Cruz Knitting Guild. We enjoyed ourselves immensely and were impressed with the range of knowledge and the service that the guild organizes in our community. It just affirmed our belief that knitters are wonderful folks and reminded us that kind...

Oct 3, 2014

What are we wearing?
Laika by Ysolda Teague
Sharlene's Laika
yarnosaurus' Laika oneLaika twoLaika threeLaika fourLaika five, and Laika six
Hitofude Cardigan by Hiroku Fukatsu

What are we stalking?
Fickle Heart by Justyna Lorkowska
Abuku by Olga Buraya-Kefelian
Ink Ripples by Elena Fedotova
Kaweah Hat by...