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The Yarniacs: A Knitting Podcast

Feb 18, 2015

What are we wearing?

Campside by Alicia Plummer
Yowza Weigh It Shawl by Susan B. Anderson
Western Sky Knits Twinkle Sock
What are we stalking?
Newsom by Bristol Ivy
30 Hearts Cowl by Alexandra
Ecuador by Joji Locatelli
Meridien by Joji Locatelli
And She Was by Yelena Dasher
What are we knitting?
Seacoast by...

Feb 6, 2015


Sharlene's self-indulgent yarn from Western Sky Knits
As I sit here finishing these show notes, my eyes are drawn to the window, and the slight promise of rain. If you've been following California news at all, you know that while the rest of the country is experiencing a white winter, in our neck of the...