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The Yarniacs: A Knitting Podcast

Apr 29, 2016

We're back! Well, we never really left, but we attended our NoCKRs retreat, I was away at YarnFest, and then came home sick, and for some reason we both felt like it had been a long time since we recorded. We've got a lot to fit into this episode--some fun garments we spotted at the retreat, we both finished a couple...

Apr 15, 2016

What are we wearing?
Boxy by Joji Locatelli
Therapy by Laura Aylor

What are we stalking?
Apres Surf Hoodie by Connie Chang Chinchio
Buttercup by Heidi Kirrmaier
Lilli Pilli by Ambah O'Brien
Stolen Moments by Shannon Squire

What are we knitting?
Heartfelt by Veera Valimaki
Spectrum by Joji Locatelli
Memory Blanket by...

Apr 1, 2016

What are we wearing?
Fancy Cardi by Joji Locatelli
Sharlene's Fancy Cardi
Secret Cove Cowl by Rosemary Hill
Gayle's Secret Cove Cowl

What are we stalking? 
Women's Peaked Cap by Patons
Hinagiku Hat by 87knit
Kaiya Mei by Jamie Hoffman
Fancy Cardi by Joji Locatelli
Citadel by Joji Locatelli
Breathing Space by...