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The Yarniacs: A Knitting Podcast

Feb 17, 2017

What are we wearing?
Wishes Cardigan by Joji Locatelli
Sharlene's Wishes
Coast from Holst Garn
Bleached by Amy Miller
Gayle's Bleached
Lilli Pilli by Ambah O'Brien
Gayle's Lilli Pilli

What are we stalking?
Making Advances by Jennifer Dassau
Pennyflower by Susanna Winter
Prairie Socks by Kay Jones

What are we...

Feb 3, 2017

What are we wearing?
Big Old Coat by Joji Locatelli
Sharlene's shorter version
Bleached by Amy Miller
Gayle's Bleached

What are we stalking?
Roz by Josée Paquin
Vertizontal Slouchy by Laura Jones
The Owl and the PussyHat by Amy Obukuru
Marina yarn from Manos del Uruguay
Be Kind by Veera Välimäki
Yowza Weigh It...