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The Yarniacs: A Knitting Podcast

Dec 21, 2018

What are we wearing?
Boxy by Joji Locatelli
Robbie's Boxy
Robbie's Moon River Socks using the Fish Lips Kiss Heel
The Easy One by Joji Locatelli
Jujuy by Joji Locatelli
Sharlene's Jujuy
Confetti by  Veera Välimäki
Faded by Andrea Mowry
Pavement by Veera Välimäki

What are we stalking?
Boxy-shaped sweaters by Joji...

Dec 7, 2018

When we recorded this episode I had a cold, and somehow imagined my voice to be much more froggy than in reality it sounds. I'm glad, though my overall stuffiness probably caused me to participate less than usual. Fortunately, we are joined by Monika from CompassioKnitfor the final segment of the show. We talk about...