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The Yarniacs: A Knitting Podcast

Nov 4, 2021

What are we wearing?

Hood on the Moon by Katrin Schneider
Sharlene's Hood on the Moon
Focus Dress by Meiju K-P
Gayle's Focus Dress
What are we stalking?
On the C Train by Espace Tricot
The Tiny Collection by Oomieknits
An Elastic Product by Karida Collins
Acts of Kindness: Oddments Knitdown Two by Rosemary Hill
Keepsake by Rosemary Hill
Lunenburg Pullover by Amy Christoffers
Forêt by Sri Shimizu
Frost by Emily Foden
Thank you to our sponsor LoLo Body Care!
What are we knitting?
Aureed by Meiju K-P
Hasukai by Hiroko Fukatsu
The Classic by Espace Tricot

Copy.Cat C.C beanie by Emily Ingrid

What have we finished?
Copy.Cat C.C beanie by Emily Ingrid
Cocoon by La Maison Rililie 
Koi Tee by Gingko B.