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The Yarniacs: A Knitting Podcast

Jan 12, 2024

What are we wearing?

Some Kind of Wonderful by Susan Anderson

Sharlene's Some Kind of Wonderful

Super Simple Summer Sweater by Joji Locatelli

Gayle's Super Simple Summer Sweater

Clio by Elizabeth Doherty

Gayle's Clio


What are we stalking?

The Hubby Hat by Anna Johanna

Double thick hat by Kareema Ali

Woven Warmth by Nancy Marchant

Little Gemstones by Claire Slade

Soft Spot Pullover by Elina Maaria


What are we knitting?

Anthology Throw by Helen Stewart

Practice Yoga Wrap by Celia Cahill

Arabella by Ann McCauley


Thank you to our sponsor Fix-A-Stitch!


What have we finished?

Irish Gold by Joji Locatelli

Colby by Elizabeth Doherty

Sharlene's Colby

Mountain Town Hat by Elizabeth Doherty

Sharlene's Mountain Town Hat

Penguin by Justine T. 

Sharlene's Pierre Penguin

December Bow by PetiteKnit

Gayle's December Bow

Sophie Scarf by PetiteKnit

Lucky Wrap Hat by Safiyyah Talley

Vestover by Elisabeth Judith


A few links on moth control:

The Spruce

Martha Stewart

Be vigilant!