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The Yarniacs: A Knitting Podcast

Dec 29, 2023

In this last episode of 2023, Gayle and Sharlene answer some of the questions you've sent us over the past few months. 
I'll link the yarns and patterns that we mention. 
Coast yarn from Holst Garn in Denmark
Ilha by Orlane Sucche
Jamieson's yarns
Some things that you might need in your knitting bag:

Dec 15, 2023

What are we wearing?

Marklee DK by Elizabeth Doherty

Sharlene's Marklee

Ziggy Interrupted by Sandra Paul

Gayle's Ziggy Interrupted


What are we stalking?

The Incredible Blanket by Purl Soho

Take Wing by Jennifer Weissman

November20 by Ankestrick

The Mackintosh roses Shawl by Svetlana Tomina

Twila Pullover by...

Dec 1, 2023

What are we wearing?

Sorrel by Wool & Pine
Gayle's Sorrel as worn by Sharlene
Confetti by Veera Valimaki
Gayle's Confetti
What are we stalking?
Kruger Wrap by Noma Ndlovu
Euphorbia Wrap by Ambah O'Brien
Nydia by Vanessa Smith
Reflections by Meiju K-P
Arabella by Ann McCauley
What are we knitting?
Magnolia Chunky...