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Adjusting the Sails

Jul 1, 2024

When a child is diagnosed with a neurological difference, disability, or medical complexity, emotional support is the first thing a parent needs according to UnPuzzed Parents Connect Support Group founder, Whitney Price. "The story you thought you were going to have is now being told in a completely different language" is how Whitney and her husband felt when their son, Connor, was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Finding herself isolated, misunderstood, and unsure about the future, she and her husband were desparate for a support network and for resources for their son and their new life. 

Listen in to hear about Whitney's journey and how through adversity she found a passion for helping others access services and for growing a support network for other parents navigating parenthood with a child with high support needs. 

UnPuzzled Parents Connect Support Group

Check out our CED Paths for Parents and Family to Family Parent Network Specialist led support group, Circle of Parents. 


Sponsored by the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources, Office of Maternal, Child, and Family Health/Children with Special Health Care Needs Program and the West Virginia Family 2 Family Health Information Center and Produced by the West Virginia University Center for Excellence in Disabilities.

Episode Transcript Here



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