Apr 25, 2021
Lee County Homeless Coalition Executive Director Janet Bartos discusses all the programs available for the homeless in the county. Brian Nagle from Shuckers tells us about his May event at the restaurant to help the Beach School raise money. Ed and Kim review the situation with the town targeting the show.
Apr 18, 2021
United States Congressman Byron Donalds joined us for the entire hour. We asked him about the attack on the Capitol building, the crisis on the border, gun control, and how he's helping keep the water in Southwest Florida clean.
Apr 11, 2021
The owner of Matanzas Doug Speirn Smith joined us to talk about the mooring field issue. Kelly Jones-Smith and Sandy Sandness unveiled The Community Foundation cookbook. Ben Duva froml Tunaskin fills us in on their May 15 fishing tournament.
Apr 4, 2021
It was all about water safety on Episode 159 with Golisano Childrens Hospital Safe Kids Coordinator Sally Kreuscher, Dan Eaton from the United States Coast Guard and Paul Demello who lost his 14 month old twins in a drowning incident.