Jun 27, 2019
Roofing Road Trips with Heidi - Stephen Phillips and Alison LaValley, NRLRC 40th Anniversary Seminar
Roofers Coffee Shop's® Heidi Ellsworth Interviews Stephen Phillips and Alison LaValley about the NRLRC 40th Anniversary Seminar. Listen to this informative Podcast about the National Roofing Legal Resource Center...
Jun 19, 2019
Roofing Road Trips with Heidi- Ken Kelly and Cotney Construction Law
Ken Kelly of Kelly roofing and Karen Edwards of RoofersCoffeeShop speak about Kelly's experience working with Cotney Construction Law.
Jun 7, 2019
Roofing Road Trips with Heidi- Tremco WTI Safety with Shari Carlozzi
Heidi visits with Shari Carlozzi on Tremco and WTI efforts on Safety. With the support of the Tremco sales team, and some structural engineering partners, WTI provides a full, turnkey program for rooftop safety products and installation services.