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Second Half Stewardship

Oct 18, 2022

In a culture of radical individualism, how do we lay down our lives for the good of those around us? What does it look like to love our neighbor as ourselves? Who is my neighbor? In this episode, we discuss the idea that God owns our relationships. To love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and...

Oct 4, 2022

Every day, we are witnesses to time's progression. Daylight comes and goes; night arrives only to be followed by daylight again. We can look at our watches or clocks and see the hands moving, but in what manner is time moving? Just as the days are continuously circular, so is God’s presence. He is with you now, in the...

Oct 4, 2022

You cannot serve two masters. You will either hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. In other words, you cannot serve both God and money. However, if we live as the current-day culture wants us to live, it is our life and we are the masters of ourselves. God knows...