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Second Half Stewardship

May 30, 2023

Gifts. Talents. Calling. These are all words that we regularly use to describe what we think that we are good at and where we should serve. To know when and where to use our gifts, stewards need to listen to God and listen to the body of Christ.

When you login to your favorite social media site you might be greeted with...

May 16, 2023

Every day people around the world struggle with nagging questions about their identity. Am I enough? Is the work I do fulfilling? Am I important?

Essentially, we are trying to justify our existence apart from God. This inevitably will lead to internal striving and turmoil. It will drain our vitality in this life.


May 2, 2023

The easiest way to do damage to a relationship is through trying to control and manipulate. We all know this is true, but we often use our time and money as a way to control the people around us.

What does it mean to be a generous steward of the relationships that we have? How might we use the time that we have with...