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On Adventure Podcast with Josh Self

Jan 19, 2024

It is a treat to be surprised to learn something amazing and interesting about someone you have known for a long time.  My hour or so conversation with Thom Asta fits this description perfectly.  I have known Thom for going on 20 years but the things we discussed blew me away and gave me a new level of respect for a man that I had a ton for already. 

This podcast is about how and why the Everyday Explorer continues to find, and then expand, his or her limits.  But it is not just about the adrenaline story.  I want to know what they learn through the challenge of adventure, and how it changes them moving forward.  Thom points out that sometimes this exploration is intentional, but sometimes it is not.  And these surprise challenges usually are the most difficult, most dangerous and full of 'gold' if one should make it through. 

Be sure to stick with this to the end as his story reaches a peak event that he never saw coming, and the gratitude and vibrancy for life that was the gift he received on the other side.  I was on the edge of my seat and left searching for words by the end.  I know you are going to love Thom Asta!