Oct 19, 2023
Episode 28 begins with Rick challenging Nick to a Fall/Halloween quiz. Questions include interesting facts about candy corn, magicians, and the song iconic seasonal song - “Thriller.” Nick knocks it out of the park. Nick gives an update regarding fresh scary movie releases and then talks a bit about his upcoming hip surgery.
It’s Rick’s turn to read his podcast this week, entitled “An Old Man and New Tricks.” After the read-through, Rick and Nick discuss how much easier it is for kids to make changes than adults, but also suggest that it is possible with intentional effort for adults to change their mindset as well. A gloomy disposition is dangerously contagious in environments where adults are working with kids.
In the "Building the Brochure" segment, Dr. Nick and Dr. Rick continue their investigation into Search Institute's research on the 40 Developmental Assets. The discussion begins with 35. Resistance skills—Young person can resist negative peer pressure and dangerous situations. And #36. Peaceful conflict resolution—Young person seeks to resolve conflict nonviolently. Rick shares some resources for social emotional learning relevant for therapists and school counselors, including positivepsychology.com and therapistaid.com. Nick shares his school’s SEL curriculum Second Step. The guys discuss the importance of helping kids develop Assertiveness as opposed to Aggressiveness and recommend that adults look at disagreements with other adults as opportunities for modeling and teaching conflict-resolution.
The Every Rose has Its Thorn segment focuses on Breakfast Cereals. Nick teases the penultimate College Tier Ranking system based on cereal selections. But first, the guys discuss the best and worst things about breakfast cereal. Both guys agree that chocolate based cereals which provide leftover chocolate milk are roses. Rick reflects on one of his favorite discontinued brands – Nut’N Honey. Nick then takes the stand to deliver what can best be described as "The Great Breakfast Cereal Address of 2023" as Nick unveils a detailed review of the complex college ranking system based on cereal availability. Tune in to find out if your current college, university or Alma Mater are Tier 1, Tier 2, or find themselves in a breakfast cereal desert, also known as - Tier 3.
The last segment finds the guys digging back into the mailbag. Rick reads a question from Ben and Cecil who ask about helping their family overcome what they describe as - an addiction to cell phones. Both guys share their perceptions as educators and as fathers in an effort to provide some encouraging solutions, thoughts and ideas.
Enjoy Episode XXVIII of Nick & Rick s Excellent EdVenture!