Dec 8, 2021
Bears, lightning, and Lyme...oh my! Natural danger on the Appalachian Trail is a real concern for hikers, but how much should hikers really be concerned about snakes, bears, lightning strikes, and ticks? In this episode of the Green Tunnel Podcast, we'll hear from several experts about how hikers approached these...
Dec 1, 2021
In this Iconic Location episode, we've got a tight squeeze for you:
the Lemon Squeezer. Learn about this claustrophia-inducing spot in
the oldest section of the AT.
Show notes at The Green Tunnel is a
production of R2 Studios ( Support us by becoming a
Nov 17, 2021
This episode of The Green Tunnel shares the story of three changemakers who combined led, and continue to lead, the trail through its 100 years of history. From the earliest days with Jean Stephenson, legal battles with Ruth Blackburn, to a new future with Sandi Marra, these leaders of the Appalachian Trail project...
Nov 8, 2021
Introducing Iconic Locations, a bonus series of short segments featuring iconic locations of the Appalachian Trail that will air in between regular Green Tunnel episodes. To kick things off, we’re starting with what is probably the most photographed location along the trail: McAfee Knob. And we’ll tell the story of...
Oct 27, 2021
In this episode of The Green Tunnel we tell the story of the settler communities that existed along the route of the Appalachian Trail before the AT arrived. We've chosen three examples of those communities, each of which helps tell the story of life in the Appalachian mountains before Benton MacKaye dreamed up the AT...