Mar 27, 2020
Happy Friday! We made it through another week in the midst of COVID-19 and the global pandemic.
In today's episode, we are going to discuss how to identify and manage your anxiety. This episode is not another episode about the Coronavirus. Back in December, when I was planning content for the podcast, I decide that...
Mar 20, 2020
This week, I have no guests or interviews. Simply, I’m going to share with you my thoughts about Covid-19.
In this episode, I share how I’m struggling in the midst of this pandemic. Why I’ve been struggling and why you may be struggling as well. As always, as always, I want to leave you feeling equipped and...
Mar 13, 2020
Considering all the fear and anxiety with the current situation with the Coronavirus .. the topic of anxiety is so timely!
On this week's episode, I'm interviewing Jacyln Weidner. Jaclyn lives just outside of Vancouver,Canada with her husband and 3 talkative little girls. She loves Jesus, strong coffee and helping...
Mar 6, 2020
Welcome to Episode 8 of THRIVE: Mental Health and the Art of Living Free!
March is finally here... can you believe it?
Today, we begin a new series on anxiety and how to cope with it. For most, Anxiety is often a vague concept. We know it affects our emotions, but for some, it can be difficult to describe. This is...