Feb 3, 2023
Last week, we talked with Lisa Boucher about her steps to recovery from alcoholism.
Today, we are continuing the conversation about addictions with my guest, Colleen Ryan Hensley
It’s no surprise that we are struggling emotionally. A recent study found that 40% of participants suffered symptoms of depression or anxiety (up from 11% in 2019) while more than 23 million Americans reported having a substance use disorder.
My guest is taking a unique approach to sobriety and recovery by encouraging her clients to binge sober.
Colleen Ryan Hensley is a 10-year Navy veteran, candidate for Certified Mental Performance Coach with the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (appliedsportpsych.org), and founder of Grace C. Ryan Performance (armoredgrace.com).
Colleen struggled with depression, alcohol abuse, and intermittent suicidal thoughts for over 20 years before finding healing and recovery. She champions proactive mental health and optimal wellness from a personal experience.
*I want to give a trigger warning, in this episode, we talk about Colleen’s sexual trauma.*
In this episode, we discuss the following:
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Have a great week!