Mar 11, 2022
Hey friends! For almost two years, we’ve been doing what we
needed to do navigating the pandemic, lockdowns, and everything
else. We’ve had to make choices on what’s best for ourselves and
our families, and sometimes that we at the expense of celebrating
our wins and successes.
If you feel you need something positive in your life, something to celebrate, this is the episode for sure. In today’s episode, we’ll talk about small ways to find celebration, why it is essential to our mental health, and the idea of foreboding joy.
Nicole Zasowski a wife, licensed marriage therapist, and author. She enjoys writing and speaking on topics that merge her professional knowledge, faith, and personal experience.
In this episode, we talk about
Favorite Quotes:
Resources Connect with Nicole
Instagram: @nicolezasowski
Pick up a copy of her book, What If It’s Wonderful