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Thrive: Mental Health and the Art of Living Free

Sep 24, 2021

Today on the podcast, we are wrapping up our conversations about body image and body shame. I’m so excited to talk with my friend and fellow counselor, Whitney Russell.

Whitney is the owner and founder of Brave Haven Counseling in Richardson, Tx. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor and Certified Eating Disorder Specialist-Supervisor. Whitney began her counseling career at the Dallas County Juvenile Detention Center, working with struggling teens at a rehabilitative residential treatment center. From there, she started her journey as an expert in the field of eating disorders. Her experience in this area ranges from being a primary therapist at a partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient setting at The Renfrew Center of Texas to being the Regional Director of Operations for Center For Discovery.

She is also a wife, mother of 4, and an Enneagram 1. She is a lover of plants, Nutella, thrift stores, and collecting books.

Things that we discussed :

  1. Body Shame is so subtle. Whitney and I share ways everyone shames themselves and how that impacts our mental health.
  2. How can parents have conversations with their children about body shame and body image?
  3. Our body is a gift from God, and we need to treat it as such.
  4. Stay in tune with your body and respect its biological urges and needs, and eventually, you will be liking and loving your body.

Want to connect with Whitney:


On Instagram @whitneylpc

Check out her podcast: and on Instagram @realmessyrealhappy


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*DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek your doctor’s advice or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or my website.  If you require counseling, please check out Psychology Today or Nami for helpful resources.