Jun 17, 2022
Hello Friends!
As you know, we are in the middle of year-long series all about helping you to live healthily. I hope each episode offers a small tangible step to take that increases your happiness, builds better relationships, and makes you feel stronger.
Today are talking to Dominic Done about his new book, Your Longing has a Name. The longing for purpose is hardwired into our souls. Why are we here, how should we live, and what is life? How can our souls flourish? The tragedy is that more and more Americans feel powerless daily to answer these vital questions.
Dominic Done is the founder of Pursuing Faith and author of When Faith Fails. With a master’s in theology from the University of Oxford, he has served as a pastor in Portland, Oregon; North Carolina; and Hawaii. Dominic has also taught English for companies in Europe, lectured in theology and history at various Christian colleges, worked as a radio DJ, and lived as a missionary in Vanuatu and Mexico. He and his wife, Elyssa, have a daughter, Amelia, and a fuzzy Goldendoodle, Bella.
Listen in to learn more about :
Connect with Dominic
Pick up a copy of Dominic's book, Your Longing Has Name
Website: www.pursingourfaith..org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DominicFrancisDone
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dominicdone/
Connect with Melissa
Instagram: @MelissaClarkCounseling
Website - www.melisaaclarkcounseling.com