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FRESH Official Podcast

Mar 31, 2023

As body parts go, your tongue isn’t particularly large – not like a hand or a foot, right? But even with its diminutive size, it can cause a world of blessing or a world of pain. How’s your tongue doing?

The other day, we looked at this Scripture together:

Luke 6:45 Good people have good things saved in their...

Mar 30, 2023

As you and I look back on our lives, we can both recall times when we’ve said things that hurt people – lies, criticism, ridicule – that must have landed like a dagger into their hearts.

It’s a sobering thought, isn’t it, that you and I have hurt people along the way; that we may have left a trail of...

Mar 29, 2023

So, a question: how do you treat people … at work, your family at home, your neighbours? When you look at them, do you see their humanity or do you treat them just as objects?

Your answers are incredibly important because they tell you what’s going on in your heart. With technology being what it is these days,...

Mar 28, 2023

When I first became a Christian, I used to wonder why Jesus had to die for me. Why go through all that suffering? After all, I’m no criminal. I haven’t stolen, I haven’t assaulted, I haven’t murdered. Why?

And that’s the thing; you and I aren’t all that bad, are we? Sure, we’ve made some mistakes along...

Mar 27, 2023

Satan has a burning desire to play merry hell with your heart and with your mind. Make no mistake, he is in the business of drawing you away from God, away from following Jesus. So how do you deal with that?

Perhaps you believe that there is indeed a personal force of evil in this world – the devil, Satan, the father...