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FRESH Official Podcast

Jun 30, 2024

One of the greatest signs of humility that any of us can ever have is a teachable heart. In fact, without it you can never really lead a humble life.

Humility is an incredibly beautiful thing especially, let me say, in talented or powerful people. You and I, we both find humility so attractive in others because...

Jun 29, 2024

How far do you travel each day? Perhaps you commute to and from work. Maybe you go out for a run or a walk. Every now and then you go on a longer journey, perhaps. Come on, how far on average, do you travel each day?

According to a recent article in the BBC’s Science Focus Magazine, every day the earth travels some...

Jun 28, 2024

Well, today there’s good news and there’s bad news. Let’s start with the Good News: God loves you beyond words and Jesus came to die for your sin so that you could be completely forgiven. The bad news is that if, ultimately, you choose not to accept the good news, not to live out the good news, He will judge you...

Jun 27, 2024

Hypocrisy and self-delusion go hand in hand. To the rest of us, someone whose actions don’t match their words is exactly what he or she seems – a hypocrite. But on the inside, more often than not, that hypocrisy is fuelled by self-delusion – they look in the mirror but remain completely blind to their plight.

Jun 26, 2024

The very best sort of humour, in my book, is the sort that both makes you laugh and think; the sort that’s funny, but at the same time cuts so close to the bone that it rocks you to the core.

I came across that very sort of humour in a meme recently on social media. It was a drawing of Jesus preaching to a crowd...