Apr 29, 2023
Fights and arguments – who needs them? Who wants them? Conflict
is a terrible thing that robs us of our peace and our joy. And how
easy is it to blame the other guy? I mean … obviously, it’s their
Now call me crazy but I’ve come to the conclusion that playing the
blame game doesn’t resolve anything. Not really.
When we blame the other party, we may feel vindicated; we may be
letting ourselves off the hook for the part we may have played in
the conflict; it may give us a short term sense of relief, but it
doesn’t really solve anything.
One of the biggest problems we face in conflict is a lack of
awareness of our own emotions. There’s a spark of conflict, it
somehow sets us off , and then we’re into it without ever stopping
to think: Where did this fight come from? Why am I reacting the
way I am?
And those two “why” questions are very good questions to be asking
ourselves before we head down that well-worn path of conflict yet
again. Here’s why:
James 4:1 Do you know where your fights
and arguments come from? They come from the selfish desires that
make war inside you.
So, rather than blaming the other party, God’s saying
here, “Hey, look inside your own heart. Stop and think about your
own emotions, what selfish desires are kicking off this war inside
you – before it spills out into your relationship with this other
Because nine times out of ten, our fights, our arguments, begin in
our own hearts. First, be aware of your own emotions, deal with
your own selfishness, and you’ll end up with far less conflict in
your life.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.