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Humanist Trek

Dec 28, 2023

McCoy catches a terminal case of xenopolychlamydia, the crew stumbles upon a Truman Show asteroid ship, and Allie's back on the dating apps. Could Allie find love at first sight like McCoy? Will she avoid the dick pics and the xenopolychlamydia?

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Dec 21, 2023

Snoop Claus visits the studio for the weediest Christmas ever!  Thanks to everybody who sent us gifts, you're the real MVP's.

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Dec 14, 2023

When a hate vampire sets the Federations and Klingons against each other, can Uhura's sweet sweet singing bring them all together? Can we identify the hate vampires active in our own lives today before it's too late? They are EVERYWHERE! Do we even have the power to stop them?
Guest: X. Ho Yen -

Dec 7, 2023

When Sarah and Allie are depressed and not excited about decorating for Christmas, the Ghost of Christmas Past yoinks them back to the past - 1881 in Tombstone, Arizona, to be exact. Will this stupid episode of Star Trek reignite their Christmas spirit? Not likely.

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