May 30, 2024
When another Melllvar cloud being starts eating planets, will our heroes shoot it or try to make contact? Why do we allow human ego to drive our treatment of other life forms? Will Allie ever watch Chip 'n' Dale's Rescue Rangers?
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May 23, 2024
How would you feel if you had to go back in time and watch your young self receive the worst bullying of your life all over again? How can Spock's dad stand by and watch his son endure this trauma and not intervene? Are the big expectations placed on Vulcan children healthy or harmful?
May 16, 2024
Animated Sarah and Animated Allie beam into the ST:TAS universe! Why did they leave Melllvar on that dead star?
May 9, 2024
Patrons Sara and Russell join Sarah, Allie, and Becca for a fun game of TrekWord!
May 2, 2024
When Kirk and an old lover get Freaky Friday body swapped, the crew must uncover the truth. Why can't women be starship captains? Why haven't you joined our team or donated to support suicide prevention yet?
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