Dec 26, 2017
In this show, we talk about our numbers 11-20 of 2017! What games were amazing, but just missed out on the top ten! Our last show from 2017, see you next year!
Dec 19, 2017
Joined by Suzanne, we delve into the year 2017! First we spend some time talking about the different trends of the year, then we jump into our biggest surprise and disappointment, favorite art and components, most innovative game, strangest game, biggest brainburner, best family and party game, and more! Finally, we...
Dec 12, 2017
In this show, we are joined by Mandi, Suz, Sam, Zee, and Jason for our second annual Dice Tower Cruise Live Show! (and we got the sound quality right!)
We spend time talking about recently played games that we each have enjoyed, and answer some really great questions from the crowd.
Nov 28, 2017
In this show, we talk about Pie Town, Montana, The Palace of Mad King Ludwig, Harvest Dice, Meeple Circus and Sunny Day. We also go back and take a look at Roll Through the Ages and For Sale, talk about Jeju Island, and look at a few apps!
Nov 21, 2017
In this show, we are recording live from PAX Unplugged 2017. We pull various people from the crowd to talk about their and our experiences, mention a few games that we've played, and hear Geoff talk about...losing? Finally, we end the show being joined by Sam and Zee for our top ten games that need a sequel.