Feb 25, 2023
In this week's episode we look at "mom guilt". Where it really
comes from and how to ensure it ruins less of your days. Because a
guilty mom reaches for the chocolate when the kids go to bed. When
we feel like crap we make crap health choices. Listen to find out
how you can feel better without the food.
Also, don't...
Feb 18, 2023
The way we measure success based on someone else's standard is holding us back. When we're constantly comparing ourselves against perfection, it's no wonder we feel discouraged and hault our progress. In this episode I teach you how to measure your own success as well as providing you a killer tool that will...
Feb 11, 2023
Listen and learn about the tool I use most as a coach to create awareness for my clients. Once you can see the story you're telling yourself about your weight, you're once step closer to changing that story. I believe that agency is so important to Heavenly Father and Jesus. Learn the model and see how to get your...
Feb 4, 2023
In our society and culture we are flooded with messages about being happy. But have you ever noticed how focusing on being happy all the time makes you unhappy about your unhappiness? Anxious about your anxiety? Worried about the messy parts of your life? This episode is about to clear all that up with a concept that...