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Orthodox Conundrum

Nov 21, 2018

Sexual abuse is a terrible problem in all communities, and unfortunately, the Orthodox world is no exception. Is the Orthodox community better or worse than others? Have things improved over the past few years as awareness has increased - or have things gotten even worse? And is there reason to hope for the future?...

Oct 18, 2018

In our last episode, we asked if the ends justify the means in Torah Judaism; the answer, we stated, must be a resounding NO. Nevertheless, in the realm of politics in Israel, religious political parties often act as though any means - including the violation of Halacha - is acceptable in the service of reaching...

Sep 18, 2018

In this bonus mini-episode for Yom Kippur, the Orthodox Conundrum offers a reminder about something we all know, but so often forget: the message we're sending our children, spouse, and friends when we look at our phones while sitting at the table. Please take five minutes to listen, and share the message that starting...

Sep 6, 2018

Do the ends justify the means? This old question has been debated endlessly, but within Torah Judaism, the answer must be a resounding NO. Nevertheless, too often in the Torah community, the ends are treated as so important that violations of some of the most serious prohibitions in the Torah are countenanced in...

Aug 22, 2018

The Israeli Chief Rabbinate has become a lightning rod for criticism - and in many cases, quite deservedly so. The institution is broken; should we try to fix it, or junk it altogether? Rabbi Seth Farber, the founder of ITIM, believes that it can be a force for good - but only if it changes its narrow and, in his...