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Orthodox Conundrum

Jun 27, 2018

What should you do when you have a unique educational approach that isn't fully appreciated by normal institutions? If you're Rabbi Akiva Weisinger - creator of the 19,000-member strong Facebook group God Save Us From Your Opinion - you simply create a new institution for you and other like-minded individuals. Join...

Jun 20, 2018

The Trump administration's policy (thankfully reversed by executive order) of separating parents and children at the US-Mexico border was cruel and inhumane, and violated basic Torah values. The Orthodox Union and, to an even greater degree, Agudath Israel of America, did the right thing by condemning this policy in...

Jun 13, 2018

Do Orthodox Jews respect women? That question from our last episode engendered a lot of discussion, and Scott Kahn continues the conversation by answering and discussing some of the many responses and criticisms he received in response to the podcast. Join the conversation - you won't want to miss it. Please subscribe,...

Jun 6, 2018

It is often claimed that despite their being relegated to the other side of the mechitza, women are shown tremendous respect within Orthodox Judaism. That may be true, but do Orthodox JEWS show this same respect that they claim is warranted by Jewish law? Join Scott Kahn for an honest talk about women on the other side...