Aug 30, 2021
As American high school graduates start arriving in Israel for a year or two in yeshiva, many people - including students and parents considering a year in Israel in the future, as well as the parents of students who are currently starting yeshiva - have questions and concerns. For that reason, the Orthodox...
Aug 23, 2021
There is, thankfully, much greater awareness of mental illness today than there was in the past. This naturally leads to the question of how much mental health should affect halacha, or Jewish law. Is someone with an eating disorder permitted to eat on Yom Kippur - or perhaps the question should be, is that person...
Aug 16, 2021
Many people believe that there are essentially no mamzerim anymore. Many people believe that if someone is suspected of being a mamzer, the problem is quickly resolved. Many people believe that if a person is determined to be a mamzer, there is nothing left to do. Rivkah Lubitch, of the Center for Women's Justice and an...
Aug 9, 2021
What is the most effective way to generate faith in G-d? What are proper and improper outreach techniques, and how can we avoid condescension when doing kiruv? When should leaders work within the system and when is it time to create new institutions? Are the Jewish People on the right or wrong path? These questions...
Aug 2, 2021
Climate change and protecting the environment is one of the most pressing issues in the world today - and, at least anecdotally, it seems that many Orthodox Jews are behind the curve when it comes to taking it seriously. They likely have good reasons for this, including doubts about its reality, prioritizing other...