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Orthodox Conundrum

Jan 24, 2022

Daas Torah can be broadly defined as the belief that great Torah scholars have unusual insight in all areas of human endeavor, and that the Orthodox community as a whole (as well as its individual members) would do well - or may even be required - to consult with these outstanding rabbis before undertaking any...

Jan 17, 2022

Accepting "Daat Torah" nowadays usually means believing that the greatest Torah scholars have unusual insight in areas outside of Jewish law and thought; for this reason, a person should or even must ask their opinion before doing… well, perhaps anything. Minimally, even communal matters that are not halachic issues...

Jan 10, 2022

Apart from the horror that was engendered by the Chaim Walder revelations and his subsequent suicide, there has been significant discussion about the Chareidi media’s varied responses to the terrible situation. Some media outlets lauded Walder after his death, which apparently helped trigger the suicide of one...

Jan 4, 2022

The news that convulsed the Jewish world last week about Chaim Walder’s suicide, following many credible accusations against him of sexual abuse and harassment, highlighted Orthodoxy's leadership crisis. Some prominent rabbis in different sectors of Orthodoxy said and did the right things; but many did not. Some of...