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Orthodox Conundrum

Sep 22, 2022

As we enter the period of the Yamim Nora’im followed by Sukkot, we are embarking on what might be the most intense spiritual season of the Jewish calendar. Some people find the davening on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur deeply meaningful; others find it interminably long and drawn out. One method that gives some people...

Sep 19, 2022

Today’s episode isn’t about Rosh Hashanah in an overt way; but Myra Sack’s story represents one of the most powerful Rosh Hashanah stories imaginable. Myra and her husband Matt had a beautiful little girl named Havi Lev; and, in her words, We lost our first-born daughter, Havi Lev Goldstein, on January 20th, 2021,...

Sep 12, 2022

There is a tremendous amount of Torah learning taking place today, and Orthodox Jews should be excited that such study occupies a central place in so many Jewish lives. Daf Yomi has encouraged and inspired people who never before considered learning Talmud to try to learn all of Shas over 7 and a half years. Alongside...

Sep 6, 2022

Is belief in Judaism self-evident? Are our principles of faith wholly rational and perhaps even obvious to any thinking person? Or is faith in G-d and Torah more complicated and suffused with questions than many would like to assume? Do we have faith? Do we possess authentic trust in G-d? Deep down, what do we really...