Feb 19, 2018
Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo is at the cutting edge of Orthodox Jewish thought. He does not shy away from diagnosing problems, breaking barriers, and offering novel - and perhaps disturbing - ways of looking at the tradition, while insisting upon genuine fealty to Jewish law and practice. What is lacking in the Orthodox community's religious practice? How does he suggest addresing these issues? When is halachic change warranted, should these changes come from within the tradition or from without, and how do his solutions differ from those of Open Orthodoxy and the Conservative movement? Should Judaism have dogmas? In what fundamental way does he believe that Rav Soloveitchik was wrong? And what does the future hold? Join Scott Kahn as he and Rav Cardozo discuss these and many other fascinating topics on this episode of The Orthodox Conundrum. Please subscribe, rate, and review us on iTunes! Music: Happy Rock by bensound.com