Mar 30, 2018
Namaste: Seeing the Truth of Who We Are (2018-03-28) - A gift of evolving consciousness is the capacity to recognize and honor the sacred awareness that lives through our own and all beings. This capacity is blocked by our identification with our “mask” or ego self, and not seeing past other people’s masks. In...
Mar 29, 2018
Meditation: Continuous Space Suffused with Awareness (2018-03-28) - By learning to inhabit the body, we discover the space and aliveness that fills the universe. In this meditation we are guided through the body, filling different domains with presence. We then open into the continuous awake space that is both within...
Mar 23, 2018
Trusting Who We Are (retreat talk) - (2017-12-30) - The sign of spiritual freedom is a deep trust in our essential nature, and in the light of awareness that lives through all beings. This talk explores the conditioning that entraps us in a trance of separation and believing in a limited self. We then explore the...
Mar 22, 2018
Meditation and Short Talk: Basic Elements of a Mindfulness Meditation Sitting (from the 2017 IMCW New Year retreat) - This short talk and guided meditation offers an overview of what many people find a natural unfolding within a meditation sitting. It includes the process of arriving in an embodied presence,...
Mar 16, 2018
Part 2 - Awakening our Body’s Awareness (2018-03-14) - Mindful awareness of our bodies is a portal to full aliveness, wisdom and love. These two classes will explore the trance that takes us away from our body, the pathways home, ways of working with pain, and the gifts of an embodied presence.
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