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The Filan Cabinet

Nov 8, 2022

In this episode, Peter Jaworski talks about the practice of paid plasma donation, whether it's ethical to allow it, and his work to advocate for it to be legalized in more jurisdictions. He answers questions such as:

  • Which country used to run clinics in a former colony to pay their former colonial subjects for their plasma?
  • Why can't we just synthesize what we need out of plasma?
  • What percentage of US exports by dollar value does plasma account for?
  • If I want to gather plasma, is it cheaper to pay donors, or not pay them?
  • Is legal paid plasma donation one step towards a dystopia?

Peter's faculty page:

His twitter account:

His website on donation ethics:

His white paper, Bloody Well Pay Them:

The second edition of his book with Jason Brennan, Markets without Limits:

The blood plushies behind his desk: