Nov 22, 2020
Leadership. The word encompasses a whole lot, but one thing’s for sure: the positive impact good leaders can have on their employees is priceless. And on this week’s episode of Banking On Experience, CRMNEXT’s James Gilbert is joined by one such leader. Katie Nehl- Communications Manager at First Community Credit Union (FCCU) and CUInsights author- offers some valuable insight on the subject.
What’s covered?
Why this topic? As Katie says, “Now more than ever, it really truly is important to implement that framework for making an impact- whether that’s in your home life, in your child’s life before he or she goes back to school, or in your business.”
Some of the biggest challenges Katie feels credit unions are facing right now. For one thing, the work-from-home juggling (and all that that entails) can make things pretty tricky for your FI.
Some examples of what senior leadership at FCCU did so well in terms of leading employees through this challenging chapter. (Hint: open, clear communication is key.)
Katie’s own framework for solid leadership (as laid out in her CUInsight Article) that can make a truly positive impact on employees:
First: Listen. (Key here? Instead of listening to respond, listen to learn.)
Second: Be Real. (An oft-underestimated part of good leadership: the wonderfully contagious effect being willing to laugh at yourself can have on your employees. Humility, folks. It goes a long way.)
Third: Work for a cause, not applause. (Note: some good, personal stories here from host and guest that will definitely get your wheels turning.)
Fourth and Fifth: Remain positive and be thankful. (They go hand-in-hand.)
Katie’s 2 cents on the cost of not actively implementing a framework for impactful leadership. – Suffice it to say, there are many. But particularly relevant is the mental health of your employees, and we’d recommend a listen.
Here’s to you, your employees, and leadership that makes the greatest impact yet!
You can find this interview, and many more, by subscribing to Banking on Experience Podcast on iTunes. Or find us on SoundCloud, Spotify, Stitcher, Spreaker, Buzzsprout and more.