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Banking on Experience powered by BUSINESSNEXT

Nov 8, 2022

There is good reason to believe that we will see a major auto-loan default crisis coming very soon. 

What will happen to vehicle values and the loans attached to them? And how will this affect your Credit Union and its members?  

If only there was a “crystal ball”... 

Enter Jim Tenhudfeld, President of Frost Financial Services.  

Jim has over 25 years in the world of Protection Products for Credit Unions, first as an AVP at Great American and then as President of Frost Financial Services.

As a premier provider of collateral products like GAP Protection, Jim has seen the ups and downs of several market cycles, especially in the world of vehicle depreciation. 

Jim is here to share a glimpse into his vehicle valuation “crystal ball," and the clouds are definitely getting stormy. 

Is there going to be an auto-loan default crisis in the next 3-6 months?

Tune in and find out.