Apr 30, 2024
On the show today (airdate: 4.30.24) Insurance woes in Florida, what does it take to be "rich" in all 50 states? A man in Pennsylvania got a shocking tax bill. What's the best breakfast sanwich bread/bun option? A hot dog saves a man's life, a new designer jean that takes "holding it" to a new level. Our crazy crime...
Apr 29, 2024
On today's show (airdate: 4.29.24) It's National Zipper Day! Zip and unzip to your hearts desire! It's crazy to believe but some of us think we should work a 7-day work week (???) Things everybody does, but nobody talks about. America is divided...about whether to wash new clothes before they wear them or not. Someone...
Apr 26, 2024
On today's pod (airdate: 4.26.24) It's National Pretzel day and we've got the details of how to score a free one today. Chocolate is in short supply thanks to a cocao virus??? Bad habits that make you age faster, airlines will have to pony up now, F My Life Friday, our supid list of other things Airlines should...
Apr 25, 2024
On today's pod (airdate 4.25.24) It's National Telephone day, whatever one of those is. What driving distractions rank highest? We have some delightful "this why I'm broke" Thursday items today, we like to be organized at work, even if we work from bed, a flamethrowing robot dog is for real, and a crazy crime story...
Apr 24, 2024
On today's show (airdate 4.24.24) Today is a palindrome, no matter what Morgan says! Did you know that there at parts to things in your house right now that you could sell? Google Trends shows us the weirdest things people are seeking to recycle by state. Would You Rather Wednesday challenges for Morgan, our Crazy Crime...