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Navigating Mental Illness: Parents Stories

Dec 20, 2022

This is part 1 of Natalie's story. This episode is a little different, as Natalie talks about her upbringing up to the birth of her oldest son, the one who has a mental illness. 

Natlie's upbringing was challenging and all her expereinces will help understand her son's story coming in part 2.

Dec 10, 2022

Thanksgiving was different this year. Dawn was surrounded by her family, but one important person was missing. Her son has a mental illness, and he refused to see her. Join us to hear the story of a loving parent who lives with the uncertainty and frustration of life with a mentally ill child. Dawn has found a way to...

Dec 4, 2022

Sandie was so upset when she learned of her son's struggles with mental illness, she closed out the Google search results. She has come a long way since then, both supporting her son and finding peace in her own life. She is looking forward to advocating and sharing her story to help others in the near future. 

Nov 19, 2022

Devorah decided to foster and then adopt two sons into her Jewish family. When mental health challenges became too much she left her life in New York and started a new life in Israel. It hasn't been easy, but it has been a rewarding experience. 

Nov 12, 2022

Wendy's daugther C's challenges started early. She lost her dad, struggled with insomnia and was so tired that Wendy had to drag her to school. C's life was never easy and her mental health declined as she got older.

The one consistent thing is: her mom was always there for her and continued to support her through all...