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Joseph Z Podcast

Mar 29, 2023

Today's live stream began with a prophetic vision from Joseph Z about a word he saw in the air that reads "hidden truth in plain sight." As many things will occur in the government, church institutions, and the present cultural disposition, God will raise a million for a billion. 
He reveals that there'll be deliverance...

Mar 29, 2023

Today’s live stream begins with Joseph Z prophesying about what’s happening with the then-president of America, Donald Trump. He recounts how they want to stop any hope of what’s going on with him, but he is assured that things will not go as they've planned. Continuing, he insists there's much to be seen here,...

Mar 28, 2023

Walking in the flesh is a way of thinking or a way of behavior that goes contrary to the word of God. 
In today’s live stream, Joseph Z teaches us about walking in the spirit of God and reveals that the flesh has a desire which gives birth to sin, which can only be overcome or conquered by walking in the spirit. This...

Mar 28, 2023

In today’s live stream, Joseph Z speaks about America's destiny, the destiny of nations, end times, and the “pretty pretty” preachers. He explains how Babylon and Nineveh have been described as the USA. Further, he compares the activities in these two cities in the Bible to what is happening in America. He...

Mar 24, 2023

In today's live stream, Joseph Z has a great prophetic word for us about a storm coming, a grassroots uprising, and the poly storm that will bring us victory. In his prophecy, he revealed that assigned gates and angels are waiting for activation and that the Glory of the Lord will be the reason for this season.

Also, he...