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Cut & Retie

Feb 24, 2023

This week, Ben Sittig, a.k.a. the Huge Flyfisherman, beams in to take stock of your stocker pursuits and cane pole ability, we explain why being a guide doesn’t make you specialer than anyone else, profile a trout slaying Hans Klopek, and ruin a good baitcaster with bad 70s porno...

Feb 17, 2023

This week, “Iron” Bill Veldof and Captain Eric Kerber fire the kitty cannon into enemy shad territory, we discuss whether nunchucks or katanas are better protection for urban fishing assaults, huff lead fumes in a closet we’re renting, and fondly remember the good days of bad tackle shop customer...

Feb 10, 2023

This week, John Frazier and I destroy a Montana Presidential Suite with Mr. Bubble and size 1/0 moth patterns, stroll the streets of Marrakesh looking for a Wulff in sheep’s clothing, find trout heaven behind a gas station, and ruin a perfectly good paint job for a sick shot,...

Feb 3, 2023

This week, Captain Frank Crescitelli explains why catching an article of women’s clothing used to be a requirement for an NYC slam, we discuss a robbery involving a fluke in a Tupperware container, bond over a little boat job we pulled on a lawn in Delaware, and then go soak some salmon eggs with...