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Cut & Retie

Sep 29, 2023

This week, MLF tour champion Adrian Avena discusses the challenges of conch wrangling and faulty bilge pumps, we go flogging for marlin, catch bass like Russian terminators, and make fun of the Gucci patch on your tourney...

Sep 22, 2023

This week, underwater salvage expert Ed “The Diver” Bieber finds that hard drive full of boudoir shots your ex chucked off the bridge, we explore the psychology behind casting where you know you’ll lose your lure, and sell you back all 58 crankbaits you broke off last walleye...

Sep 15, 2023

This week, Mexico-based YouTuber, Jorge Acosta, slices up largemouth sashimi and uses bobbers for bluefins, we discuss how you can’t buy PowerWorms in the Wal-Mart by his house, cleanse our palates with spicy crickets, and throw down our Amex cards on life-saving, post-snake bite...

Sep 8, 2023

This week, veteran Captain Greg Dubrule rips a bucktail out of your face while yelling at the author of “Jaws,” we jump on a party boat and wind up scrubbed out by the mafia, drink enough margaritas to miss every swordfish harpoon shot, and pass knives out to small...

Sep 1, 2023

This week, Vermont fly guide Drew Price coaxes me out of muskie retirement only to force me right back in, we leave a trail of cheesy pecan crumbs for monster bowfins, see dead people while buying a dozen shiners, and bask in the glory of a failed river clean...