This week, Jimmy Fee of On The Water flirts with disaster trying to
be a family man and get his black drum fix at the same time, we get
into a verbal dispute on a stocker stream, juke a rival angler with
a rising chub fake-out, and do really dangerous junk on a janky
This week, Chris Bohlman of the
Bassin’” YouTube channel gets big in Japan, we leaf through
Bass Pro Catalog and order all the wrong things, decide a frog is
frog as long as Larry chokes on it, and jitterbug our way to glory
with a Color...
This week, Dr. Solomon David wheels in the TV cart so we can watch
rough fish heal all mankind, we go out for beers after class to
discuss drone fishing tactics, get a kleptomaniac hooked on bowfin,
and flunk out of chemistry because we just had to go striper
fishing last...
This week, a plethora of show regulars share stories of stocked
trout fishing from the low-down to the sweet and cheesy, we get
kicked out of school to become Rooster Tail heros, throw pellets at
dirty dog owners, and sell jars or pure stank to...
No matter how you fish or what you fish for, Cut & Retie with Joe Cermele. Never techy, always metal-injected, let your guard down and stop taking fishing so seriously, because it's just fishing, man.